Chemtrails! Mac OS

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If you've never heard of chemtrails, don't fret. Before spending time in Southern California I hadn't heard of them either. But whether it's being in the land of obsession-with-healthy-living, or perhaps just being near a few major airports, I now hear about chemtrails quite frequently in SoCal.

Chemtrails Mac Os Download

The World is ruled by Reptiles and they need your help against the Tinfoil-Hat-Invasion. Control 100% of mankind. REPTRAILS is your personal, playable remote-solution for chemtrail-planes and mind-control. Route your planes, place cell-phone towers, develop your media strategy. They were at it again.

Chemtrails are crimes against humanity. Chemtrails are intentional poisons dumped into the air by dark satanic God-fearing God-denying individuals who feel they can kill life whenever they feel like it.don't believe it? LOOK AT THIS PICTURE! Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification. We have created the Directive to present hard, irrefutable evidence that this illicit, global crime is not merely a 'proposal' but is indeed happening today. Chemtrails look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mare's tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join.

So what are chemtrails? Should we be worried about their effects on our health?

What Are Chemtrails?

Chemtrails Mac Os Update

Chemtrails, short for chemical trails, are what some call the white trails you see left behind as a plane passes overhead. Believers in the chemical aspect of chemtrails say those trails are actually clouds of chemicals used by the government or someother large scale entity for a variety of nefarious purposes from weather modification, to human population control via sterilization, to even mind control. The theories usually claim that normal jet plane output should dissipate quickly so any clouds that do not disappear immediately must be full of additional, undisclosed substances. Chemtrail theories are not only a U.S.-based phenomena—almost 17% of respondents in an international survey noted a belief in the existence of a 'secret large scale atmospheric program' to be at least partly true.

To address this concern, a group of 77 scientists published a report in the journal of Environmental Research Letters after digging through the supposed evidence of the intent to poison us through chemtrails. These scientists are experts in atmospheric science, including the contributions of aircraft to the atmosphere as well as atmospheric processes like how quickly or uniformly chemicals fall through the air to the ground. Of those 77 scientists, 76 said they found no evidence of a 'secret large-scale atmospheric program'—that's 98.7%. Instead, they found that 'the data cited as evidence [for such a program] could be explained through other factors, including well-understood physics and chemistry associated with aircraft.' In other words, the evidence pointed to the trails being simply the normally expected result of planes flying through the air.

As for that one scientist? One scientist noted that in one remote location, the levels of barium in the atmosphere were unusually high relative to the levels of barium in the soil. No claims were made that the reason for those elevated levels had to be a large scale chemical operation, but since that scientist was not convinced of a clear reason for the barium to be higher in the atmosphere there, they left the possibility open.

Interest of• T. J. Coles
• Geoengineering Watch
• Sofia Smallstorm
• Clare Swinney
Chemtrails or Stratospheric Aerosal Geoengineering is officially only a proposed international government funded weather modification program.

Chemtrails Mac Os Catalina

Trails from airplanes (condensation trails) in Europe and the United States, but presumably worldwide, since approximately the mid-2000s, are more persistent and do not disappear after half an hour or so. Some trails do disappear relatively fast, while others stay for prolonged periods, broaden over time, and build a milky cloud ceiling together with other trails that are left in proximity. This phenomena is unlike what many people remember from the 80s, and 90s, or earlier. At the same time, air traffic has increased manifold since the early 1980s.[1] The simple fact, however, that these trails are now way more visible and persistent than they used to be, has been noticed by some mainstream publications.[2][3]

  • 1Official narrative

Official narrative

Wikipedia's title (Chemtrail conspiracy theory) leaves no room for doubt, making clear that it considers chemtrails a pseudoscientific conspiracy theory. However Wikipedia's Solar radiation management[4] page (and others)[5] suggests, that this method is one possible candidate for climate engineering projects. A feasibility and cost analysis study for different methods of releasing particles into the atmosphere was done by the University of Calgary in 2010,[6] while studies that discuss the:

  • 'use (of) aircraft to maintain a cloud of dust in the low stratosphere to reflect sunlight'
  • 'decrease (of the) efficiency of burning in engines of aircraft flying in the low stratosphere to maintain a thin cloud of soot to intercept sunlight'

date back at least to 1992.[7]

Malaysian Air Force conducting cloud seeding[8]

Known projects

Known and documented US projects are:

  • Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War (1967 to 1972) which attempted to extend the monsoon season over the tunnels of the Ho Chi Minh Trail
  • Project Stormfury (1962 to 1983) which attempted to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodide

Peer reviewed study

A 2016 peer-reviewed paper concluded that 'the evidence as evaluated here does not point to a secret atmospheric spraying program. Changes in aircraft technologies may be causing contrails to persist longer than they used to, and changes in industrial development could potentially be increasing aerosol deposition in some areas. But the focus on a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program may be taking attention away from real, underlying problems that need addressing.'[9]

Military applications

A speculative paper by the Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base from 2011 commented on a future in which satellite based, full motion video (FMV) from space has become common:[10]

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

Controlling the weather is a tactic that could counter the FMV sensors. For example, in a hypothetical 2035 scenario, China is preparing for a large-scale exercise in which it intends to test several new weapon systems. It doesn't want the United States to observe events on the ground or in the air. To conceal the activity, China saturates the upper atmosphere with silver iodide crystals, forming a layer of cirrus clouds that effectively prevents, or significantly reduces, observation from space. This scenario is not farfetched. China leads the world in its efforts to control the weather. Bill Woodley, a scientist who ran several cloud-seeding experiments for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, calls China the 'epicenter of all weather modification activity.' 'They're training young scientists and pilots; they've just gone crazy over there,' adds Woodley. He notes that Beijing employs 32,000 people nationwide in its Weather Modification Office and invests $100 million annually in the program.[11]

Since the earth is constantly watched by many satellites, military and civilian (even if only by high resolution pictures and not live video feed), this capability is something that any military of a certain size wants to have and thus, is most likely fully developed at present by the United States itself and some other countries. Neither the United States, nor any other country must have an open communication strategy with this. As with any other advanced weapons research, it is most certainly hidden from public oversight through classification and/or black budget financing.

Alternative explanation

This is what some argue is a leaked picture from a plane specifically retrofitted for the purpose. A system like this, with tanks/barrels inside the cabin, could, as the Wikipedia article on Chemtrails points out, as well be used to simulate different points of gravity. The low volume of these barrels, compared to the overall cabin volume may indicate, that a configuration like this is not a cost effective solution to bring larger volumes of material into the atmosphere and thus, is used for a different purpose.
Another picture of a retrofitted plane for firefighting, the Evergreen Supertanker. This demonstrates that the technology is fairly well developed and high volume/cabin ratio is possible. - Thread at Metabunk that does explain several of the design/layouts that are known and used for various purposes.
Plane spraying chemtrails[citation needed]

The term chemtrails is used to refer to a climate engineering concept scientifically named Stratospheric Aerosal Geoengineering. Chemtrails are much different than contrails that evoporate quickly in the sky. Chemtrails do not evaporate. Rather, planes that are fitted with special nozzles release aerosols in the sky that produce thick white lines similar to contrails. Multiple planes are deployed, flying parallel often seen in 'checkerboard' patterns and the the sky is then covered with many grayish-white lines. The blue sky has vanished and has been replaced by a grayish-white toxic haze that blocks out and greatly diminishes the sunshine a process scientifically known as global dimming. Chemtrails can be seen as low as 18k feet while contrail formation is only supported at 37K feet according to Met office. High-bypass turbofan jet engines are less likely to create contrails because the ratio of air to exhaust is too high to facilitate the formation of condensation because the majority of air expelled from the back of the engine is not combusted. It passes through the fan and blown out the back without mixing with any fuel. Chemtrails have been independently tested and show high levels of barium, CHAFF, Strontium and other metals. These metals are dangerous to human health and could have adverse effects on the environment.[12][13]


  • The case against Chemtrails - 'Chemtrails Debunked Part 1: Contrails'

Chemtrails Mac Os X

An example

Page nameDescription
Operation Ranch HandU.S. military herbicidal/chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War

Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Chemtrails - Proof and Purposearticle1 January 2013T. J. ColesAn outline of the activities of various agencies of the US UK military in the fields of climate modification by means of high altitude chemical spraying.
Document:Chemtrails-Deep Shieldinterview2003Deep Shield
Brian Holmes
The individual featured appears to have an 'inside track' on the chemtrail spraying programme. There was an opportunity to ask specific questions relating to the aerial spraying and the 'insider' then answered the questions.
File:House of Commons The Regulation of Geoengineering 2009 to 2010.pdfReport10 March 2010Science and Technology Select CommitteeFifth report of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee on the regulation of geoengineering - 2009-10 session.
File:Owning the Weather.pdfpaperAugust 1996Col Tamzy J. House
James B. Near Jr.
Lt Col William B. Shields
Ronald J. Celentano
David M. Husband
Ann E. Mercer
James E. Pugh
An official document of the US Air Force dealing with research and development of weather modification programs on a 25 year view. Its publication coincided with the start of an upsurge in public awareness and disquiet about 'Chemtrails'
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  2. saved via
  6. saved at
  13. A list of patents that are argued to be related to weather modification on a website dedicated to the topic of geoengineering.
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